Hello friends. The Portfolio Withdrawal Calculator, for Brazil has been updated. The retirement calculator update includes the ability to include S&P500 in BRL as a portfolio allocation option.
As you may know this was the most popular new feature voted in the recent poll.

Simply adjust the “Percent S&P500” to the desired portion of your portfolio. While testing, I noticed a full allocation tot he S&P500 does not seem to product the best results,. but a partial allocation does improve results.
Try it and let us know in the comments. For some interesting results, try:
- Years 2000-2011 (bad years for the S&P/Dollar)
- 100% S&P500 vs 33/33/34% which are the default values.
- Try various percentage allocations and let us know the best results in the comments!
S&P500 In BRL returns data
Year | S&P Return | USD-BRL Exchange rate | Annual return of USD-BRL | Combined return of currency and S&P | Growth of R$1000 in S&P, converted to BRL |
1995 | 37.58% | 0.918 | -8.23% | 26.25% | R$1,262.53 |
1996 | 22.96% | 1.005 | 9.53% | 34.68% | R$1,700.31 |
1997 | 33.36% | 1.078 | 7.25% | 43.03% | R$2,431.98 |
1998 | 28.58% | 1.161 | 7.66% | 38.42% | R$3,366.43 |
1999 | 21.04% | 1.814 | 56.30% | 89.19% | R$6,368.96 |
2000 | -9.10% | 1.829 | 0.85% | -8.32% | R$5,838.82 |
2001 | -11.89% | 2.350 | 28.44% | 13.16% | R$6,607.48 |
2002 | -22.10% | 2.920 | 24.29% | -3.18% | R$6,397.50 |
2003 | 28.68% | 3.077 | 5.38% | 35.60% | R$8,675.19 |
2004 | 10.88% | 2.925 | -4.95% | 5.39% | R$9,142.85 |
2005 | 4.91% | 2.434 | -16.78% | -12.69% | R$7,982.61 |
2006 | 15.79% | 2.175 | -10.64% | 3.47% | R$8,259.43 |
2007 | 5.49% | 1.947 | -10.49% | -5.58% | R$7,798.59 |
2008 | -37.00% | 1.834 | -5.82% | -40.67% | R$4,627.24 |
2009 | 26.46% | 1.999 | 9.03% | 37.88% | R$6,380.23 |
2010 | 15.06% | 1.759 | -12.01% | 1.24% | R$6,459.17 |
2011 | 2.11% | 1.673 | -4.91% | -2.90% | R$6,271.55 |
2012 | 16.00% | 1.953 | 16.75% | 35.43% | R$8,493.74 |
2013 | 32.39% | 2.156 | 10.39% | 46.15% | R$12,413.76 |
2014 | 13.69% | 2.353 | 9.13% | 24.07% | R$15,401.82 |
2015 | 1.38% | 3.327 | 41.39% | 43.34% | R$22,077.58 |
2016 | 11.96% | 3.491 | 4.94% | 17.49% | R$25,939.58 |
2017 | 21.83% | 3.191 | -8.59% | 11.36% | R$28,887.38 |
2018 | -4.38% | 3.654 | 14.49% | 9.48% | R$31,624.59 |
2019 | 31.49% | 3.944 | 7.95% | 41.95% | R$44,890.93 |
2020 | 18.40% | 5.155 | 30.69% | 54.74% | R$69,464.87 |
2021 | 28.71% | 5.394 | 4.64% | 34.68% | R$93,557.16 |
2022 | -18.11% | 5.164 | -4.27% | -21.61% | R$73,341.27 |
2023 | 26.29% | 4.994 | -3.28% | 22.14% | R$89,580.86 |
5 responses to “Retirement Calculator update!”
Simulando de 2005 a 2023 (para não pegar os primeiros anos instáveis do real) com uma alocação 70% SELIC / 30% S&P500 permite uma taxa de retirada de 4,15% ao ano. Qualquer alocação em Ibovespa piora os resultados.
Renda fixa no Brasil e ações nos Estados Unidos são a combinação perfeita.
Ótima descoberta! Obrigado.
Parece que foi uma boa combinação.
Helpful change! Thanks for hearing our feedback. I am recently early retired and all 500 simulations were successful, which gives me some piece of mind. Quick question, the Later Income field should be the monthly or annual figure? Thank you
Great question! Later Income is annual. It is not clear on the page as you point out, so I will update the label.
Also, congratulations on your retirement and the great planning you must have done!