Thanks to everyone who voted in the recent poll! The winning feature is to add S&P500 as a portfolio option, followed by adding the ability to front load bad years to test sequence of returns risk.

A couple of people added their own ideas as answers. One was the ability to have NTN-B bonds (IPCA+) and the other to display results in Euros or Dollars to show currency risk investing in BRL. Great ideas!
I’ll get to work on some of these ideas. Hopefully some of the updates wont take too long.
And thanks to all those who comment as well. Seeing people interact via voting or commenting really keeps me going.
That’s it for now.
4 responses to “Poll Results: Next feature for the Brazil retirement calculator.”
Wow..all the opposite of what I wanted to see..but…what can one do
I was just hoping the TSR/SWR wouldn’t win, because that seems like it would be hard to code, kkk.
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[…] As you may know this was the most popular new feature voted in the recent poll. […]